This scrolls artwork was purchased beforehand by the customer. If you also have artwork that you would like framed in an alternative style, I would love to give a quote. Contact to me at or go to my site at I really like how the artist melded a modern day theme with a painting in an ukiyoe style. It kind of just grabbed me. The customer ordered a Maru Hyougu style scroll, but this style of scroll just did not fit in my mind because of the length of the artwork. So I asked if I could do it in a Rinpo Hyougu style scroll. As this is a first test run frame for a series of works the customer said yes...

I was ecstatic with the result of the scroll except for one little bulge that has been taken out during the Urazuri process.
Scroll Dimensions given in Bun:
Name in Kanji | Name in English | Size in Bun | Size in Centimeters | Size in Inches |
天 | Ten | 88 | 266.64 | 10.50 |
上中廻し | Ue Chuumawashi | 51 | 154.53 | 6.08 |
上一文字 | Ue Ichimonji | 6.5 | 19.695 | 0.78 |
紙本の幅さ | Artwork Width | 92 | 278.76 | 10.97 |
紙本の長さ | Artwork Length | 224 | 678.72 | 26.72 |
柱 | Pillars | 4 | 12.12 | 0.48 |
下一文字 | Shita Ichimonji | 5 | 15.15 | 0.60 |
下中廻し | Shita Chuumawashi | 34 | 103.02 | 4.06 |
地 | Chi | 65 | 196.95 | 7.75 |
掛け軸の幅さ | Scroll Width | 100 | 303 | 11.93 |
掛け軸の長さ | Scroll Length | 467 | 1415.01 | 55.71 |
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