Saturday, October 3, 2015

Dojo Wallscroll

This was a scroll for a martial arts dojo on the East Coast. It had some difficulties in that the black cloth that was used, did not turn out alright. So I redid it with a different black cloth and the same result occurred. I was so frustrated that I ended up doing it on a gray cloth that I know would work.

The scroll reads Musha Shugyou Satori (Enlightenment through Martial Arts Training)

It is written in Sousho, semi cursive style by Yoshimi Ryugyoku Yamada. It has a Gold on Red karakusa Ichimonji, Kon (navy) Hanging string, and Shitan (rosewood) Jikusaki.

Dimensions of the scroll as follows:
Name in Kanji Name in English Size in Bun Size in Inches
Ten 95 11.33
上一文字 Ue Ichimonji 11 1.31
紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 110 13.12
紙本の長さ Artwork Length 449 53.56
Pillars 17 2.03
下一文字 Shita Ichimonji 7 0.84
Chi 45 5.37
掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 144 17.18
掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 607 72.41

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