しゅうぎょうしゃとみやづかえ (Shuugyousha to Miyazukae)
The Recluse and the Court Maid
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This scroll’s painting was done by Ren Adams in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She helped me man my booth at a Karate tournament in Albuquerque New Mexico. This scroll is for sale. The first thing that came to my mind in developing the scroll was the solitary setting in nature. The common items of the 山侍Yama Samurai (Mountain Samurai) are very apparent in the picture, including the 着物 kimono (robe)、蓑 mino (straw hat)、刀 katana (sword).
Name in Kanji Name in English Size in Bun Size in Centimeters Size in Inches
天 Ten 53 160.59 6.32
上中廻し Ue Chuumawashi 45 136.35 5.37
紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 73.5 222.705 8.77
紙本の長さ Artwork Length 110 333.3 13.12
柱 Pillars 17 51.51 2.03
下中廻し Shita Chuumawashi 24 72.72 2.86
地 Chi 39 118.17 4.65
掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 107.5 325.725 12.82
掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 271 821.13 32.33
In designing the display, I wanted to contrast two different ways of life. There is the recluse living within nature, and the court maid experiencing the opulent court life. Both must find joy in their respective difficulties. The mountain hermit suffers from exposure to harsh elements, and scarcity of food. However, being away from the distractions of society he is able to attain enlightenment and search his inner soul deeply. Does not this bring joy to the individual? The court maid on the other hand suffers from the political intrigue, hard work and shifting alliances within court politics. She has the benefits of having bounteous food, drink and apparel and is protected from outside danger and elements. Does not this also bring joy to the individual? In all castes and socialities of human kind, no one will have identical experiences. It is every individual’s responsibility to seek and learn to attain joy in whatever state that fate has been set upon us. We do not know, nor can we control our destiny, but we do have the ability to find joy in whatever state of life we may find ourselves. In the decision to choose virtue, righteousness and joy no matter one’s circumstances, we human beings are all equal.
1 comment:
It's absolutely perfect! Great job.
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