If you would like to order a custom scroll there are three ways to get started: 1. Go to my shopping site at www.shop.customjapanesecalligraphy.com 2. Download my scroll design workbook from my website at www.customjapanesecalligraphy.com to read about the concepts behind kakejiku or wallscroll design. 3. E-mail to me directly at sales@customjapanesecalligraphy.com

This scroll was one of the demo pieces completed for the person in charge of the program. It reads 百花春至 Hyakka ha Haru Itaru. This means that Spring Begins with a Hundred Blossoms. The writing was done is a Gyousho style by Yoshimi Yamada Maples, Ryugyoku. The scroll was on the drying board for over a year. The person receiving the scroll selected an Enshu Shitan Jikusaki. The scroll was designed in mind of the bonsaiist that loves to display shohin Azaleas.
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