Friday, June 10, 2011

Pair of Kakejiku: 7 Virtues & Musashi 5 Elements

A pair of scrolls ordered from our neighbor to the North.

If you would like to order a custom scroll there are three ways to get started: 1. Go to my shopping site at 2. Download my scroll design workbook from my website at to read about the concepts behind kakejiku or wallscroll design. 3. E-mail to me directly at 

The thing I like most about this order is that the customer knew exactly what they wanted and the entire order process only took about 20 minutes via phone to complete, and then it was hammered out pretty quickly.

I have done several scrolls of the dragon in the 7 Virtues of the Bushido, but never in the Tiger cloth for the scroll. The scrolls are complemented with a Black lacquer wood jikusaki and a Kogecha (almost black) hanging string.

Dimensions are:
Kanji English Size in Bun / Millimeters / Inches

天 Ten 118 357.54 14.08

上一文字 Ue Ichimonji 6 18.18 0.72

紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 54 163.62 6.44

紙本の長さ Artwork Length 223 675.69 26.60

柱 Pillars 18 54.54 2.15

下一文字 Shita Ichimonji 4 12.12 0.48

地 Chi 83 251.49 9.90

掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 90 272.7 10.74

掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 434 1315.02 51.77

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