Friday, December 7, 2018

Sanso Print Buson Plum Tree

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This is the painting of a plum branch by Buson. This information about the artist Yosa Buson, is quoted from the Encyclopedia Britannica. "Buson, also called Yosa Buson, original surname Taniguchi, (born 1716, Kema, Settsu Province, Japan-Died Jan. 17, 1784, Kyoto Japan), Japanese painter of distinction but even more renowned as one of the great haiku poets.

It is very beautiful, and I love the ambiance of the painting. The scroll was made in a simpler, Minchou Hyougu style. There is a thin, blue accent running the lengths of both sides of the scroll, which are not so evident in this picture. The light brown, cloth works with the brushes of the painting. The scroll is finished with an ivory (resin made to look like real ivory) jikusaki and the Kodai San Iro hanging string.

If you would have interest in having a custom scroll made or a Japanese or Chinese painting refurbished, please contact to

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