Friday, October 30, 2009
San Dan Hyougu Pine Sumi-e
This scroll was just completed today. It is a Sandan Hyougu which means three step scroll. This has a Gold leaf pattern Ichimonji along with a Cocoa colored Chumawashi cotton cloth and a Forest Green Ten and Chi.
This picture was painted by Darlene Dihel a Sumi-e artist in the Seattle Washington area. It is a beautiful work.
I used the Green cloth to complement the color of the pine in the picture and the brown to represent the Earth from which everything grows.
If you would like to have your own artwork framed in this style, please contact Jonathan Maples at
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Enso Scroll 袋表具 Fukuro Hyougu

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Shiawase Happiness

Friday, October 16, 2009
Matsuo Basho Haiku drawn by Teiko Applebaum

Oh in the quietude
Iwa ni Shimi iru
Seeping into the rock
Semi no Koe
The voices of cicadas.
Haiku poetry is formed by a five/seven/five mora pattern. It typically must contain some mention of the season of the year. In this case, the deafening sound of the Cicaida emerging is an event that happens every year in the summer.
In order to complement this poem, I used a leaf pattern of the cloth. This scroll is in the Maru Hyougu style with the Ten, Chi and Hashira surrounding the work with the Ichimonji. I used two primary colors, the Red Kinran and Blue Kireji, to provide a strong contrast for the centerpiece of the scroll. The blue leaf cloth I have had for some time, and was looking for the correct time to use it. The Semi in this work standing on the leaf stem was a good match.
This picture was drawn by Sumi-e artist Teiko Applebaum of Seattle. I have grown to love her style of painting which is both plain and straightforward.
The scroll measures roughly 2 Feet long by 1 Foot wide and is priced at $78.56 including all taxes and shipping within the United States. For questions on this or other custom scrolls e-mail to
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
鶴亀松おめでたい - Crane, Turtle & Pine
This is a scroll used to symbolize prosperity and long life. The 鶴 Tsuru, or crane in Japanese culture symbolizes long life and a good marriage. The 亀 Kame also symblizes longevity. The 松 Matsu is a tree long revered in Japan for it's evergreen nature. The term Omedetai is a phrase wishing one congratulations.
I had a sumi picture of a pine branch from Teiko Applebaum. The picture seems upside down, but if you look close at the Hanko (stamp) it is realized that this is the correct framing. My wife mentioned to me the symbolism of these three and it was only natural that I take the cloth with the Crane and Turtle pattern and combine it with this picture of the pine.
Red is a color associated with luch and good fortune in Japan. This was the reasoning behind my use of the Red Ichimonji and the Red Jikusaki on the scroll.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Fortitude -- Gouki 剛気
This is written in the Kaisho, block print style.
The scroll is on a navy cloth with a white ichimonji that has a large gold ivy pattern. The scroll is finished with a beautiful black plastic Jikusaki and gold Kakehimo.
To design you own personalized scroll, please e-mail to
Friday, October 9, 2009
Many Gods and Many Voices
This is in a Semi-cursive writing style called Gyousho. This piece was written by shihan Ryugyoku Yamada. This scroll measures about 4.75 feet long and 11" wide.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tiger Minikakejiku Sousho Style
Friday, October 2, 2009
Beppu in Oita Japan

This is a small scroll with a postcard of Beppu in Oita Japan. Beppu is famous for it's onsen (natural hot springs). Although I have never been it is close by.
There is a particular hot spring called Oni no Jikoku, 鬼の地獄 or Demon's Hell. Although the pictures are not clear, there are statues of two Oni, and the river in the upper right flows red. I think this is a good representation of Hell.
In tribute to this imagery a cloth of Oni which was purchased in Japan this year was used to complement the scenes in the picture. The cloth is dark tan with light tan and blue Oni in the design. The bright orange and gold in the Ichimonji provides a stark transition between the picture and the cloth.
This scroll has no jikusaki. It is small, less than 1 foot long and about 9 inches wide.
For questions on other Japanese landscape scenes or to request another landscape frame contact