This Tansaku Kake has a beautiful green cloth with a gold and silver pattern and an ecru top and bottom. It is handmade with a plastic ivory Jikusaki and Kodai Saniro Kakehimo. We will write a custom poem for anyone that purchases this scroll. It is on auction in e-bay for this week.
Dimensions as follows:
Name in Kanji | Name in English | Size in Bun | Size in Inches |
天 | Ten | 103 | 12.29 |
上中廻し | Ue Chumawashi | 46 | 5.49 |
紙本の幅さ | Artwork Width | 25 | 2.98 |
紙本の長さ | Artwork Length | 120 | 14.31 |
柱 | Pillars | 20 | 2.39 |
下中廻し | Shita Chumawashi | 32 | 3.82 |
地 | Chi | 50 | 5.96 |
掛け軸の幅さ | Scroll Width | 65 | 7.75 |
掛け軸の長さ | Scroll Length | 351 | 41.87 |