Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fish Cannot live in Pure Water

I am listing this item on e-bay for bid.

The calligraphy on this wallscroll or Kakejiku is in the kaisho style. The cloth is a cotton, with a swirling design. The Ichimonji is a blue with koi in the pattern. The meaning is that, "if the water is too pure, a fish is not able to live in this environment." It is completed with a plastic ivory jikusaki and a Kon (Navy) hanging string.

Dimensions as follows:
Name in Kanji Name in English Size in Bun Size in Inches
Ten 103 12.29
上一文字 Ue Ichimonji 13 1.55
紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 77 9.19
紙本の長さ Artwork Length 107 12.76
Pillars 18.5 2.21
下一文字 Shita Ichimonji 11 1.31
Chi 70 8.35
掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 114 13.60
掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 304 36.26

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