This scroll is also for the ABS For the Love of Bonsai convention in Saratoga Springs NY. This is specifically for my Bonsai Display Lecture on Friday.

The scroll is in a Semi-formal Two Step scroll style called Nidan Hyougu. The cloth on the top and the bottom actually has faint horizontal stripes of alternating darker and red colors. I thought this was good for Autumn. The grey chuumawashi cloth has a purple which reminded me of morning mist. The scroll is completed with a Rosewood Jikusaki that is machined, and an Ouka Pink hanging string.

Dimensions as follows:
Name in Kanji | Name in English | Size in Bun | Size in Inches |
天 | Ten | 78 | 9.30 |
上中廻し | Ue Chuumawashi | 42 | 5.01 |
紙本の幅さ | Artwork Width | 118 | 14.08 |
紙本の長さ | Artwork Length | 215 | 25.65 |
柱 | Pillars | 18 | 2.15 |
下中廻し | Shita Chuumawashi | 22 | 2.62 |
地 | Chi | 48 | 5.73 |
掛け軸の幅さ | Scroll Width | 154 | 18.37 |
掛け軸の長さ | Scroll Length | 405 | 48.31 |
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