This scroll titled Color from the Garden, is the 6th in
Dee Teller's series of works being prepared for an exhibition. She is a very talented artist who has taught in China. The two characters are represented in the painting with Garden 園
En in Japanese and Color 色
Iro. When I first saw this sumie, my first thought was to the Autumn season and the colors of the Maize or indian corn. I wanted to stay true to that so I used the light brown cloth or
kireji with the gold
suji in order to emphasize the feeling of Fall to the viewer. Suji are the lines of cloth attached to the fabric of the scroll. The speckled ceramic Jikusaki is a nice break from the complete solid of the informal Fukuro Hyougu scroll style. I used the Kincha color which is similar to this brown for the hanging string.
Dimensions of the Scroll as follows:
Name in Kanji (Name in English) Size in Bun (Inches)
天 (Ten) 80 (9.54)
筋 (Suji) 0.5 (0.06)
天 (Partition Bottom) 35 (4.18)
紙本の幅さ (Artwork Width) 149 (17.77)
紙本の長さ (Artwork Length) 108 (12.88)
柱 (Pillars) 18 (2.15)
地 (Chi First Partition) 20 (2.39)
筋 (Suji) 1 (0.12)
地 (Middle Partition) 15 (1.79)
地 (Bottom Partition) 40 (4.77)
掛け軸の幅さ (Scroll Width) 185 (22.07)
掛け軸の長さ (Scroll Length) 299.5 (35.73)
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