This is the fifth scroll in a series by
Dee Teller. Her writing and work is very fluid and beautiful. This is titled Spirit Woman, and the second character is definitely easy to read as woman or
onna in Japanese 女. The first character is in a Full cursive, and I need to confirm with the artist what the characters are.

For this scroll, I thought it would be best to use the most informal scroll style and mounted the art in a Fukuro Hyougu style. The slightly off white silk with the peach colored paper provides an inconspicuous backdrop for the scroll. I used black suji that are 0.5 bun, to border the Top (Ten) and Bottom (Chi) sections of the scroll. It is finalized with a resin jikusaki that really mirrors a true ivory, without having to kill any elephants...
Scroll Dimensions are as follows:
Name in Kanji | Name in English | Size in Bun | Size in Inches |
天 | Ten | 69 | 8.23 |
筋 | Suji | 0.5 | 0.06 |
天 | Partition Bottom | 45 | 5.37 |
紙本の幅さ | Artwork Width | 76 | 9.07 |
紙本の長さ | Artwork Length | 212 | 25.29 |
柱 | Pillars | 20 | 2.39 |
地 | Chi First Partition | 24 | 2.86 |
筋 | Suji | 1 | 0.12 |
地 | Middle Partition | 15 | 1.79 |
地 | Bottom Partition | 40 | 4.77 |
掛け軸の幅さ | Scroll Width | 116 | 13.84 |
掛け軸の長さ | Scroll Length | 406.5 | 48.49 |
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