Friday, April 24, 2015

Another Cloudy Moon on Shikishi

This is another cloudy moon shikishi for a Bonsai Artist in the Midwest. It is painted
by Mariusz Szmerdt of Poland. This scroll is in a Nidan Hyougu style. The black center cloth is a Pure Silk (Shoken) and the top/bottom is a dark khaki colored shike cloth. The jikusaki is an ebony (kokutan) and the hanging string is the old three color (Kodai San iro)
Dimensions as follows:
Name in Kanji Name in English Size in Bun Size in Inches
Ten 86 10.26
上中廻し Ue Chumawashi 34 4.06
紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 80 9.54
紙本の長さ Artwork Length 90 10.74
Pillars 18.5 2.21
下中廻し Shita Chumawashi 16 1.91
Chi 50 5.96
掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 117 13.96
掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 276 32.92
If you would like a commissioned scroll made for  you please contact to

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