Saturday, May 30, 2015

Amaya (Rainy Night)

This is a scroll to Australia. It was ordered online directly through my website at If you would like to order a scroll direct please use the website or my email at

The scroll is written in the semi-cursive style called Gyousho. It is bordered by a gold on gold ichimonji in the Maru Hyougu style. It is completed with a black, plastic jikusaki and a Takuboku (white with blue fleck) hanging string.

Scroll Dimensions as follows:
Name in Kanji Name in English Size in Bun Size in Inches
Ten 103 12.29
上一文字 Ue Ichimonji 12 1.43
紙本の幅さ Artwork Width 77 9.19
紙本の長さ Artwork Length 108 12.88
Pillars 20 2.39
下一文字 Shita Ichimonji 6 0.72
Chi 52 6.20
掛け軸の幅さ Scroll Width 117 13.96
掛け軸の長さ Scroll Length 281 33.52

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