Thursday, December 19, 2019

Scroll acting as Picture Frame

The photo on the left is of a scroll that is framing a 5x7 blank cardstock. It can be used to hang photos, which can be changed out simply and in less than a minute.

The size of this scroll is about 6" wide by 3 feet long. It is made with a silk blue intermediate cloth and a bronze top/bottom cloth. It is completed with black plastic jikusaki (rollers on the bottom, and a dark gold hanging string.

I am introducing a new way to frame pictures. I think it will catch on because of the following benfits. 1. Photos can be replaced in less than a minute. 2. The scroll frames are easy to maintain, transport, move and rehang. 3. It is an inexpensive alternative, that in many ways is more elegant and will be unique to how others hang their photos.
You supply your own pictures and you can change them out as often as you would like. Pricing for this scroll is $50.00, which includes taxes and shipping to the US. If you have any questions please contact to

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